We welcome our little perennial house guests. A pair of tiny wrens with a song as sweet as sugar. And I visit a local greenhouse with flowers that will melt your heart! Enjoy a beautiful day! xo
I mean...a bear! I woke up to this little creature who was stretched out on our deck trying to navigate drinking water from the pool cover. I quickly grabbed my camera and shot from behind the sliders in our Family Room. The pictures are blurry from the glass and my excitement, but I think you get the idea! Yikes. Wild Friday! xo
It's Blue skies and flowers confetti and cupcakes, kick back and enjoy, Because today... is this Kid's Birthday!! She's beauty and... she's brains, she's a Neuro Psychologist in the making, she calls Clemson her home. She's sporting new wheels, So, Seaside.. watch out! She's Amy Danielle. And Today is her day, Let's kick back and celebrate and when the candles are lit, Am.. I hope your wildest dreams will come true! Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Love and Hugs and Smiles galore! xo
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." Albert Einstein
I love being a mother. A mother Is a poet. A giver A taker…. In the darkest hours Of the night When the whole world sleeps. She is awake. With her child. Alone. And they lock eyes. They listen. To each other’s hearts. To each other's breath. No words need be spoken. Soul to a soul. Heart to a heart. And…, Every woman deserves a child. To hold. To feel. To cuddle. To touch. To teach. To help. To love. Alone. in the dark. Two hearts. A Mother and a Child. Happy Mother's Day Thank You, Mom xo
“If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message you understand, Rejoice, for your soul is alive.”
In my lawn ... and in my life. I met some fine people. I sold them a house. Years and years ago. They bought me lunch. Many times. And they still do. And today we celebrate Richard. Who's fished the wildest rivers. Who digs an ungarnished Martini. Who's eyes swell with devotion to his Priscilla, and his girls. and his grandbabies. So Happy Birthday, Rich! A rare friend in my garden! xo
It looks as though little "Madam Butterfly" loves the aroma almost as much as I do! Happy Monday! xo ps..you can "dbl. click" the photo to get a closer look.
I live in the bucolic hills of Northwestern NJ. I love many things. Natural light, the sky, bright colors and pastels. Words. Smiles, random rainbows, gentle breezes as well as strong, gusty wind. Flowers...they rock my world. I ride a Harley Davidson with a group of ladies. I keep my camera attached to my hip.