Sheesh! It seems like
I've been out of touch...forever!
Hard to imagine it's only 5 days or so.
I think the speed of the internet has
something to do with that.
It's constant spontaneity.
Everything happens immediately.
News, thoughts, opinions, pictures.
Social media is outrageous.
But it can't make you well.
I've had the Flu, and it's been rough.
Had to send my Rolling Stone back home
without so much as a hug. It hurt.
My boys had to become instant nurses!
They did pretty well!
"Want tea?", "Need anything?", "Feel better?",
but the best part was getting my toes covered up!
I guess I did something right!
This morning, I was up for an extended period.
I told Wes " I feel weak"
His reply..."Take a nap." ...I said..
"I'm not tired, I'm weak." His reply..
"Then exercise"!!!!
Back, but oh so slowly.
Happy Thursday, Stay well.
With Love and Hugs.