Monday, September 29, 2014

His Velvet Coat


This handsome buck stops by
to gather some seed
and share his beauty.
He's shy and timid.
And beautiful.
He has lost his velvet.
I hope to photograph that soon.
He ran off this morning before I could get him.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sunshine On A Stem

This little blossom,
well, it's really not little,
is one of my favorite photos from
the Summer of 2014.
In my limited travels 
to and from,
here and there,
I notice flowers.
It always excites me
when the conditions are ripe
and I have my camera in tow.
And I have time to stop!
I love flowers.
I love sunflowers.
I've seen many different varieties
popping up around here this year.
Yellow, Auburn, Copper and Gold.
This one is just beginning 
to spread her wings.
"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."
~Maori proverb

With love and hugs.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Destination High Point

I managed to sneak in a ride yesterday.
Late afternoon.
It felt invigorating and therapeutic.
And colorful.
And scenic. 
The roads were quiet.
My focus was clear.
No distractions.
Except for the beauty
of nature
the bike in front of me.
The person in control. 
My soul mate.
I'm blessed.
Happy Wednesday, my friends!
With love and hugs.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hello Again!

I feel so lazy for not having posted 
on this little blog of mine
in such a long time!
I don't have an excuse.
I guess life took over.
I mean work.
Or Summer.
I've missed it.
I hope some of my old faithful readers
return and enjoy 
my little story.
This first day of Autumn
is a tad bittersweet.
Sunny, warm, and crisp.
A tease.
 One thing I missed most this past Summer
was the abundance of butterflies.
They were few and far between. 
"There is nothing in a caterpillar
that tells you it's going to be a butterfly."
~R. Buckminster Fuller

With love and hugs.