Monday, July 27, 2015

Feeling Glad All Over

I made a trip to the farm stand over the weekend.
I love their homegrown bouquets of flowers,
as well as the ripe and juicy fruits and veggies.
I was particularly excited to find these beautiful Gladiolas.
Earlier in my florist days they were mostly used as funeral flowers,
or in church basket arrangements.
And, they were usually white or yellow.
I have always loved the complexity of their blossoms.
I was tickled pink to find them in purple.
I had never seen that color.
They opened overnight to a beautiful bouquet!
Happy Monday!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Summer School 2015

I enrolled in an unexpected, spur of the moment,
 summer class this year.
Cancer 101.
I guess you could say it was a crash course.
It was lots of learning in a short period of time.
But it felt like a lifetime.
In the past 7 weeks
I learned that I've taken so much for granted,
even though I thought I lived a life of Gratitude.
Each and every day I more appreciate:
The elementary task of swallowing.
The art of a small taste.
A simple sip.
A moist kiss.
A hearty laugh.
A good cough.
The uncomplicated sense of taste.
Salty, sour, sweet and bitter.
They all disappear with cancer.
Life as we know it disappears with cancer.
The only taste that remains is Love.
Thank you, everyone, for the Love.
And thank you for the Hope.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hello July!

I hope your first weekend of July
is full of flowers and fireworks. 
And Love.