Tuesday, February 20, 2018


A soft and gentle rain
 is falling this morning.
I can smell Spring 
Getting ready
to burst.
Getting ready
to blossom.
The little song birds
have discovered  their sweet voices once more.

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

For the Children

I read a post today that I’m sharing. 

According to an artist in California, 
high school students across America
are talking on message boards
making  April 20th
the day they all walk out of school.
They won’t go back
 until Congress updates the gun laws.
It’s their lives on the line.


Because every child deserves to live.
Every child deserves to dream.
Every child deserves to love. 


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Baby Taylor Alice

Here she is!
Sweet baby, Taylor Alice!
Born in the middle of the night on a cold,
January 10th, in a little Wisconsin Village. 
She's about to turn 1 month old,
and is enjoying life with her big sister
and her parents!
She's  lovable, adorable and as sweet as can be! 
This photo is  the last one we took of her,
as we were saying our good bye’s,
and heading back home to NJ.

A precious little girl,
Taylor  is the newest little flower
in our family garden.
We love you, sweet Taylor!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Happy February!

January brought us a new, little bundle of love.
Sweet baby Taylor Alice.
We made the trip, and now we're back.
Despite the flu, the cold, the grey skies and barren trees,
our hearts are filled with January joy!

With love and hugs to Taylor.