Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hmmm....Trouble With Blogger

I planned on sharing some thoughts and photos today, and the title of my post was going to be "Reflections". However, it appears that Google and Blogger are looking to make a little bit of money from the blog world. I am not certain if I am going to change accounts, or stick with Blogger. As I understand it, in order for me to add any photos to my blog, I need to pay Google. Not certain I'm ready to do that. In the meantime, it's probably good that you don't have to spend any time on Petals and Boots, after all, one month from today... is Christmas! Better get busy!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Rosie, A Sweet Flower of Love

"Mama was my greatest teacher,
a teacher of compassion, love
and fearlessness. If love is sweet
as a flower,
then my mother is that sweet
flower of love."
~Stevie Wonder

Monday, November 12, 2012

Birthday Time!

29 years ago,
on a cold, snowflaked night
we welcomed a baby girl
that made us a family.

Happy Birthday, Tiff!
With love and hugs.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

All Is Calm

Good ridden, Sandy.
Who would have ever thought that the Jersey shore as we know it would be demolished?
The homes and businesses have stood strong forever.
 Many of my best childhood memories are of the great times in Seaside Park and Deauville Beach.
Mantoloking was our route home.
Not any more.
But luckily, we are all safe and sound.
Back in business, so to speak.
Our lights are working and we are warm.
I rode with a group of bikers today.
It was a ride to honor two local young men,
whose lives were tragically taken way too early.
Part of our route was through "Sandy" ravaged Sussex County.
Many homes are still in the dark.
My heart is heavy for the families with small children,
and the elderly.
So, In retrospect, we had it easy.
My high note of the week was a visit with the newlyweds
in New Hope, PA. Thanks, Steph, for getting married!
Now, it's back to work,
back to the old normal.
I hope the storm left you with a good memory
or a new friendship,
and may the future bring you bright beginnings.
With love and hugs.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another Round Coming!
