Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020


 I hope you enjoy a day of beautiful things.
People. nature, feelings and dreams.
Merry Christmas from my heart to yours.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

A Birthday in the year 2020


The Birthday girl! 
I’ll never, ever forget the joy that the birth of this girl brought to our family! 
It was a cold, November 12, and sunny snow showers were in the air in Morristown, NJ.
My parents had sold their home, and were scheduled to move the day Tiff was born.
We waited with deep breaths to know if it was a boy, or a girl!
It’s a girl! 🌸
Everyone quickly celebrated together 
and bought every bit of merchandise available 
that had the name
Pencils, paper, keychains, ornaments, magnets, you name it! 
We had it! 
Our plan this year was to drive out for a BD visit,
but that all took a reverse direction.
The Corona Virus stopped us in our tracks.
WI has a higher death rate, travel is restricted and BD plans 
Have to be put on hold.
Still, I celebrate Tiff in my heart today.
I will never, ever forget Nov. 12th. 
My true Birthday gift.

Friday, September 11, 2020

I Will Never Forget


It’s hard to believe that 19 years ago our world as we knew it changed forever.
I remember a beautiful Tuesday morning, playing in the garden before our office meeting.
The kids were tucked in their classrooms at Blair Academy, Wes was off to work. 
I went inside to get ready for work, and that’s when I realized our country was under attack.
 Astonishing TV images of the planes hitting The World Trade Center.
Then The Pentagon.
Then Pennsylvania as I remember.
A sickening situation that grew worse as the day went on.
I went to work, put on the TV at the office, and it was then that we as a group 
learned that our admin’s son was an employee at The World Trade Center.
We paused in a deep moment of silence,
which grew more grim as the day went on.
Yes, Bruce Simmons at 41 years old perished,
leaving a wife and 3 children behind.
I bow my head to all of the victims, their families, the first responders and to 
the rest of the good people who experienced this horror.
As the pandemic continues, the fires rage, and the children wonder,
I hope there is resolve for peace and love in our world.
With love and hugs.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

When Life Makes Other Plans for You

Today was supposed to be the first of 7 vacation days for us.
A surprise festival of love and sunshine.
All of us together once again! 
Harper, Taylor, Tiff and Matt.
Tim and Lauren!
Destination: St. Pete’s Beach.
But that took a back seat to the Coronavirus.
Our trip is cancelled.
The US has closed.
Schools, restaurants, gyms, and corporate America all sit vacant.
Masked shoppers stand 6 feet apart in the essential businesses.
Illness and fear are knocking on our doors.
Roads are empty, and today the parks are closed.
It’s been almost a month now that this nasty little germ infected the US.
Staggering amounts of deaths, 
And today it took away John Prine.
A soft spring rain is falling, 
The flowers continue to bloom,
the birds continue their songs.
The rivers are flowing, and a pink moon shines above.
Until COVID passes, stay well.
 Stay 6 feet apart.

With love and hugs.

Sunday, March 1, 2020


We had a surprise visitor in addition to some unexpected flowers in bloom!
Happy March, 2020.
Our hearts are full.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Snow Lovers

Living in Wisconsin, the girls get lots of Winter love.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Amaryllis and Love

This is an actual bloom in a little shop near my home.
Just lovely.

Friday, January 3, 2020

A Friend

No matter how many years
I’ve seen the deer,
every new visit 
is a joy! 
Happy Friday!
With love and hugs.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy 2020.

It has such a nice ring to it.
I think it’s a year to bloom.
With love and hugs.