We had an exciting weekend with family and new friends.
We all celebrated together!
An engagement! She said YES! Yay Tiff and Matt!
A Birthday! Yay Henry!
Another Birthday! Yay Lisa!
A belated Birthday! Yay Bea!
Clear skies and Summer breezes! Yay summer!
Shrimp and Salmon on the barbie! Yay barbie!
Not one, not two, but three cakes! Yay Trifle!
Hula hoops on the deck! Yay hula hoops!
Crowns and balloons! Yay color!
Champagne and croquet! And I took 2nd place! Yay Lin!
Swimming and volleyball! Yay beautiful weather!
Cecil learns to swim! Yay Cecil!
Mark getting sunburned! Yay Mark!
Bailey chasing bears! Yay Bailey!
Buddy and Chase...not, Yay Buddy and Chase!
A sweet, adorable helper! Yay Paulie!
And a great time was had by all! Yay Tim!
Happy August!
With love and hugs.
What a wonderful weekend! Thank you for everything! Xoxo!