Hummingbirds to horses
She's wise to their ways.
She's an animal rescue
Animals are her passion.
Seasoned and steady,
She'll take 'em in,
love 'em up,
then find them a good home.
She's dedicated.
She nests in North Carolina.
She's my little sister.
And, today is HER Birthday!
She's a Jersey girl gone South.
She gallivants the highways
in search of the sun
all the while singin' and smilin'!
She digs new sneakers and sweatshirts.
Cabernet is in her cup
and John Mellencamp
is in her soul.
She's an early riser
who loves to dance!
So, Nan, in honor
of this whale of a Birthday,
Let loose,
Kick up Your Heels,
and have yourself a blast...
"You Ain't Even Done With The Night"
Happy Birthday with Love and Hugs xo
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