So, her Birthdays always lasted more than one day,
and she shares the celebration this weekend.
This other kid is Lynn.
They met in Australia,
they stayed connected,
and they share a place
called home.
Happy Birthday, Lynnie!!
It's Party Time!
Get out the balloons and streamers...
cake and ice cream....
confetti and champagne,
'cuz today..
is this kid's Birthday!!
Nestled warm in a 3rd floor apartment
in the heart of Boston
far from the reaches of my hugs,
is my first born sprout.
She's Tiff.
She's in grad school. Well, really,
Law School.
She's kinda smart.
She works hard non the less.
She's witty and clever.
She's pretty.
She likes to bake;
And mix it by hand.
Ask her about Mother Catherine sometime.
She enjoys grueling workouts
at the gym.
She runs.
She bikes.
She digs shoes.
And boots.
Not cowboy boots.
She likes fun tops and flip flops,
and earrings.
She likes to read
and laugh out loud.
And daffodils and tulips.
And Starbucks and lobster.
and the Court of Law.
We'll be missin' you, baby...
your party table is bare,
but the memories fill the room with rainbows.
So today, whether you kick back, or kick box,
enjoy your 26th year!
Keep smiling, keep safe,
and....if you don't catch a rainbow,
May your sunset be as exciting
as your spirit within...
Happy Birthday, Tiff!
Double hugs and kisses xo
Tiff sounds as fascinating as her talented Mom!