It's a rather rare occasion
typically every 20 years,
that we experience
one month
with a double dose
of a full moon.
December 2009
is one of those rare occasions.
A Blue Moon.
And I don't mean the beer!
The last "Blue Moon"
on New Year's Eve
happened in 1990.
So, tonight if you
are not blinded by the snow,
or partying too hard to remember,
take a peek at a gift from Mother Nature.
Northern Utah is expected to have clear skies
with the blue moon visible!
What about
a trip to Utah?
No? OK,...
On second thought,
what about a frosty "Full Moon" lager
to cheer the Blue Moon?!
If you get a chance
be sure to check
the "Blue Moon Brewing Co."
website for a countdown
to a rare occasion!
Be safe, be warm, be kind.
kind word
can warm
winter months." A Japanese Proverb
With Love this New Year's Eve,