Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Passed

Sweet and tender.
Laughter, then tears.
Joy, then sadness.
Dark into light,
light into dark.
Quiet and peaceful.
Gladness of heart.
Love is all you need.

See you next year!
Blessings of Love and Gladness of heart.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Oh, Christmas Tree

The boys cut down our Christmas Tree this year.
You can see how tall the ceiling in our family room is.
It allows for great height in a tree.
We need a ladder to decorate it with lights and our angel!
I changed things up a bit this year,
and decorated with a collection never displayed before.
Because it's a Christmas like no other.
Our little diamond girl is with her other family this year.
She's far away in the cold Northern lands of Michigan.
So, on Christmas Eve this tree goes up for you, Tiff.
Have yourself a Merry little Christmas!
Because after all, Christmas is truly about Love.
Merry Christmas to all...
With love and hugs,
 and dreams come true!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter's Solstice

I love the word "solstice". It reminds me of solitude. It feels calming and peaceful. And full of sunshine and dreams. It commands a pause in time. It's heavenly. It's fancy. It appears on our calendars twice a year. Today is our lucky day! Inch by inch the days will become brighter, the nights will become shorter. Before too long, the engines will rev up once more! On this Winter's Solstice I wish for you Peace. I wish for you Love. And most importantly, I wish for you Light. Blessings to all.

"Light a candle and burn away that which no longer serves."
~via Catherine Hiker~

With love and hugs.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


When your journey
becomes long and complicated
your heart.

With love and hugs.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


"There are two ways of spreading light;
to be the candle
or the mirror that reflects it."

~Edith Wharton~

May your days be happy and bright.
With love and hugs.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What Is Life?

'It is a flash
of a firefly
in the night.
It is the breath
of a buffalo
in the wintertime.
It is the little shadow
which runs across the grass
and loses itself
in the sunlight.'
Native American Curator

With love and hugs.

Monday, December 12, 2011


"He is happiest,
be he king or peasant,
who finds peace in his home."

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Peace at home.
With love and hugs.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I listen to the river
and the moon
and the wind
in the bare naked trees
i hear
the voices of my

With love and hugs.

Monday, December 5, 2011


"Sit in reverie
and watch the changing color
of the waves that break
the idle seashore
of the mind."

~henry wadsworth longfellow~

Happy Monday!
With love and hugs.

Friday, December 2, 2011

While Surfing...

I came across some cute finds

 for December galavanting..

Click here to see them!

Happy weekend!

With love & hugs...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Milwaukee Art Museum

We took a sweet little stroll along the water's edge and stumbled upon a bit of art. Inside and out. Here are a few shots of the Art Museum of Milwaukee. Rumor has it that Chicago wanted the building to grace her harbor, but Milwaukee won out. And win she did. The "wings" of the building actually open and close. It's quite beautiful. It's quite unique.
Hats off to the architects that imagined and created this Masterpiece. Designed  to showcase fine art. And light. And love.

A quote from Degas greets all visitors:
"Drawing is not what one sees but what one can make others see."

Here's to the artist in you.
With love and hugs.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Back Home

We're back in New Jersey after what was a whirlwind of a few days with our daughter and Matt in Milwaukee. I thought I'd share some photos of the city, and a few thoughts on our visit. We haven't seen Tiff since May. I had been counting the days until we met. My heart skipped a beat when she peeked around the corner at the airport! Her smile radiates love! Her engagement ring sparkles on her little finger!  And, on first impression, I loved the city. It is so clean. And sprawling and light. In spite of the fact of tall buildings, the sky is so visible, Lake Michigan looks like the ocean. The city is pretty flat, and holds unique architecural delights! Beautiful museums, restaurants, brew pubs, bridges, coffee shops, and, not to mention the Bridal Salons! It was Black Friday when we shopped for the perfect white dress! And I'm so happy to say...Mission Accomplished! What a great time, what a memorable Thanksgiving, and what a sad day indeed when we needed to say good bye. I Hope you enjoy some photos, I'll be posting some more soon!
Happy Monday, everyone! 
With love and hugs. 
And a view of Milwaukee!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Blessings of Abundance.
Love, Joy, Peace.

And may you gobble 'till you wobble!
With love and hugs.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Birthday Love

I'm grinning ear to ear!
My heart is bursting with
for all of the Birthday love!
Thank you, everyone, everywhere!

The cards are beautiful, the thoughts are heart warming,
the wishes are abundant, the Love is touching.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday,
I am forever grateful for all of you!
With love and hugs.
Kitty :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Weekend Already!

I hope this Friday finds you well prepared
for a beautiful Autumn weekend,

Love and  Hugs
and Gratitude.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Started My Shopping!

Some of you may know I took a little motorcycle ride this past weekend. We went with a few friends up to Newburgh, NY to the motorcycle museum. There were photos to be taken for a story to be written. So we hopped on board. It was great fun, very interesting history of bikes from the early 1900's to the 60's right on through to present day. I'm so happy we did. Because with the Chrsitmas holiday approaching, I'm always stumped as to what to get my Mom. She's tough to buy for. She always says she doesn't need anything. She wants simple gifts like love and happiness.But in my heart, I know she'd love a motorcycle! But, her hair do. And, She doesn't like wind in her face. Problem solved! No worries!
Can't you just see "Dolly" sporting around Brick Town, NJ on this!!
No wind, no helmet hair, no worries!

A Single Word

just a thought....
if your closest friends or family members
had to describe you...
in one word.
what would it be?

Happy Tuesday!
With love and hugs.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Orchid in the Air

Happy Monday!
With love and hugs.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

To Our Birthday Girl

A  beautiful little blossom for our beautiful Birthday Girl!
You see,
Long distance separates us,
she is
living her dreams
in the far away land of
Cheese and Crackers,
Beer, and Packers..
but our hearts remain forever close,
our love remains forever true,
Little Miss Tiff,
we are so very happy
 so very proud of you!

Happy Birthday, Tiff!

With love, hugs, and dreams come true.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Once every one hundred years we see 11.11.11. Seems like once every hundred years I see my little sister. Today is her day, and it's a big one for sure! See's far from us, way down south in her new home in Southport, North Carolina. With her soul mate, her new pet fox, her new beach hang out, her friends, and for Christmas, her girl.
I see alot of chatter online about project 11.11.11. So, my project is my blog post dedicated to my little sister Nancy. Here's a Happy Birthday to you, Nan! I hope the lights remain bright for you throughout the coming year, that you enjoy your new digs, and that your heart bursts with Love and Happiness!

I miss you,
Happy Birthday!
With love and hugs.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

For Anthony

Today just might be a hard one at my office.
You see, it's the Birthday of my friend's son.
Who passed away, ever so quietly in her arms.
After 26 years. She's been talking about today,
and a part of her is pretty scared. It's that hole
in a Mother's heart when sad things happen to a child.
But Lynn is a member of a different kind of club.
It's the I lost my son club. Or, I lost my child club.
Fewer members than the PTA. Or the local Book club.
But the stronger part of Lynn is prepared. Head on.
Like a ship in a storm.
With love, with memories, and balloons.
Anthony was never able to speak words.
He was never able to walk,  nor did he ever play sports.
He was her angel. He entered our lives, whispered Hope, taught Love, and disappeared. Into the heavens. And Lynn moves forward.
With a vibrant self, a new found determination that will bring down walls. She demonstrated a dedication and Love to Anthony like you've never seen.

To you, Lynnie. And  to your little boy.
With my love and hugs.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


A certain day became a presence to me;
there it was, confronting me-a sky,air,light:
a being. And before it started to descend
from the height of noon, it leaned over
and struck my shoulder as if with
the flat of a sword, granting me
honor and a task. The day's blow
rang out, metallic-or it was I, a bell awakened,
and what I heard was my whole self
saying and singing what I knew: I can.
   ~Denise Levertov, from Breathing the Water

Live Your Best Day!
With love and hugs.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Back on Track...

...Well, sort of!
You all know by now that we loose power. Alot.
But, we're bright again.
Part of the annoyance of loosing electricity is that every single digital appliance we own goes down. And, then, it's sort of like re-boot.
Re-set. Clocks. Ugh. Just reset all of the clocks, and then, it's the end of daylight savings time. More clocks. The good thing about "fall back" is more sleep time in the morning. My husband gets up very early, so the fall back is a treat to him. Except this morning! I woke him up accusing him of not turning his clock back, but I was the one! I forgot to turn the other little bedroom clock back. Because...I just re-set the darn thing from our power outage! UGH. Small little pest annoyances.
Being woken up way too early! Sorry, Wes!

Happy Monday!
With my love and hugs.

PS...Happy Birthday, Tom!
Bet you didn't mind getting up too early!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Last Saturday...

Last Saturday morning I was playing around with this photo. This is my neighbor's tree. There were electric wires to delete. I painted the sky a bright shade of dangerous and I saved it. My plan was to post it on Mischief Night, with a little caption of "Painting the Town". Well,with an unexpected twist of fate from Mother Nature, instead of me deleting the wires, the wires deleted me! It has been one crazy mess here in Northwestern New Jersey, but today is different. Autumn is back with her blaze of color. In all of her glory.  The snow has melted. The mellow sound of the electric bass once again harmonizes our home, the lights are glowing brightly, it is warm, and all is calm.
I am forever grateful.
For water.
For light.
But mostly,
I am grateful
for Love.

Have a happy weekend!
With love and hugs.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Long Days and Long Nights

Each day
 an opportunity
 of Hope.
And beauty.
And resolve.
And light.
And darkness.

There may be some light at the end of this dark tunnel.
I still could not drive on my road today,
it was too crowded with JCP&L trucks!

Fingers crossed.
With love and hugs.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hello, November!

Good Morning, World!
I shot this photograph on Sunday morning a short distance from where we live.
We've been treated to a new round of challenges by Mother Nature. Again.
A fury of a storm flew in Saturday morning, hung around most of the day and night, and on Sunday the sky was the most beautiful shade of blue that one could only imagine. There was an Autumn beauty like we've never seen. The kiss of color beneath a heavy snowfall. Only one problem. We're in the dark once more. The weight of more than a foot of snow has crumbled the land. And my spirits. It's another long journey until we see the light.
But, as Wes and I sipped some leftover coffee in front of the fire early this morning, we both agreed that it's just one more challenge that makes our bond  truly unbreakable.

Here's hoping we have a few milder days and nights.
And, Happy November, my friends!
With my love and hugs.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween!
With love and hugs.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fire and Ice

Wasn't it just Summer?'s cold outside.
Time to cook up a little fire.
And get ready for the snow.
My camera is waiting.

Hope it's a fun weekend!
With love and hugs.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rainy Thursday

There's a little chill in the air today.
It's dark and dreary.
Wet and a bit windy.
But the colors...they take your breath away!
Here's a festive little home town diner
from my home town to yours.

Happy Everything!
With love and hugs.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What Is Photography?

Photography is
creative writing
without any words.

Have a photographic Tuesday!
With love and hugs.

Monday, October 24, 2011


To my far away friend on her Birthday, who always grew the most beautiful zinnias. And cooked the most delicious meals. And made me laugh the hardest!

Happy Birthday, Cath!
With love and hugs.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Good and Beautiful

'That which is striking and beautiful
 is not always good; but
 that which is good is
 always beautiful.'

~Ninon De L'Enclos

Hope today brings you good and beautiful.
With love and hugs.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Flower Power

It's still rather dark here at almost 8:00 in the morning.
A sort of gloomy day in the hills of Hardwick.
The only golden glow being the hint of Autumn from a window.
A cool, steady drizzle bids farewell to the last buds of Summer.
No sign of birds, nor song, nor sun.

But there is beauty in today.
I hope you enjoy my little splash of love.
It is from a pretty, sweet veranda in Cape May.
It's where I left my heart.

Happy Wednesday!
With love and hugs.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, Monday

So we made it to Sandy Hook!
A beautiful but chilly morning greeted 14 motorcycles as we headed South from Warren County. It was a fun ride down, but the magic of the day really began when we crossed over the bridge into Sandy Hook.
The vista was magnificent! It made me feel like I was in Monterey California! Really! The view startled me. There's something about life on a bike. Everything becomes so real and in your face. The slow descent from the bridge into the park was so beautiful. The ocean was choppy. The sea spray was exhilarating. There were fishermen, kites, windsurfers, and kite surfers. And bikers and runners and walkers and bikers. This was our "South" destination point for a badge we earned in our club. The North point was High Point State Park, West point was Split Rock in Pennsylvania, and  the East point was Turtleback Zoo in West Orange. We experienced insane wind, traffic, beautiful sunsets, bikers full of road  camaraderie, tractor trailer trucks, race cars, barking dogs, stares and lots of thumbs up! We stopped in Atlantic Highlands for lunch at a beautiful ocean front restaurant, in a beautiful little seaside town, and if I ever win the lottery....that's where you'll find me! It's back to the grind Monday, and I look forward to the 2012 patch...where will it take us?

Ride your own!
With love and hugs.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

2 Wheelin' Weekend

Off to Sandy Hook State Park this morning.
Yesterday, it was Turtleback Zoo
with Mother Nature kickin' up her heels.
I'm finishing up the points and destinations
required for the "Curvz" patch from my
motorcycle club.
Enjoy your day, wherever it takes you!
With love and hugs.

I hope this doesn't happen!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Sometimes the quietest moments
yield the loudest messages.

I hope you find your quiet today.
With love and hugs.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Little Kestrel

We went to a hawk demonstration in Cape May!
This little one stole my heart....right out of the can.
He's the smallest member of the hawk family. He's an American Kestrel. It is "easily identifiable" by the 2 black stripes on his face, it's blue grey wings, and chestnut back and tail. Perhaps one of the most colorful raptors (birds of prey) in the world, they grow to full size in only one month.An interesting fact is that hawks can sometimes attain speeds of 150 MPH when diving, and most mate for life.
Their sense of hearing is excellent, and their eyesight is the best in the animal world. Not only can hawks see greater distances than humans, but their visual activity (the ability to see clearly) is eight times greater than ours. Hawks also see in color!
It is illegal to capture or kill a hawk, or possess a hawk alive or dead, without proper permits from the State of NJ and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Because they are predators, hawks have historically been regarded by many people as vermin. In the past, they were seen as wanton killers-
cruel and harmful creatures. Fortunately, with ecological knowledge we now realize they are neither harmful nor cruel. They are, like all living things, important parts of a diverse and intricate natural world. The protection of that world is of paramount importance to their well-being, and to ours.
And let me tell you ....they are down right adorable.
Long live the hawks.

With love and hugs,

Monday, October 10, 2011


if i had a little green notebook
i'd fill it with love.
in the morning
on a park bench
on a street corner
in a rain storm
at 3AM
on a dark highway
a full moon.

with love and hugs.xo